Broforce Wiki
Name Stonebanks
Type Pure Evil
Attacks None
Health At least 25HP but his remaining HP are randomized
Blood Red
Featured in The Expendabros
SpawnResource Trigger mooks/zconradbronebanks
Expendabros Boss
Name Expendabros Boss
Type Expendabros Boss
Attacks shooting rockets, droping blade, following rails
Health 60 for turrets, 23 for saw blade droppers, 30 for other areas
Featured in The Expendabros

Conrad Stonebanks is the main opponent in the game The Expendabros. He rules over an army in Eastern Europe.

He's a parody of Conrad Stonebanks interpreted by Mel Gibson from the movie Expendables 3.

The Boss is exclusive to the Forest theme and is beaten by killing the Pure Evil inside.

See a tutorial on how to beat the boss by clicking here


  • Stonebanks is similar to Rail Fortress, in which an entity shielded by multiple turrets must be destroyed by first breaching the defenses outside. The rest of the structure is otherwise technically non-critical.